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The Center for Higher Educational Research and Development (CHERD) carries out fundamental and applied researches regarding higher education in the border region of Hungary, Romania and Ukraine. Our aim is to carry out researches and negotiate actual developmental questions which confer regional and institutional decisions.
The centre provides its researchers an academic workshop where they have the possibility to formulate new research trends, to collect data and interpret analyses in national and international level as well in an inspiring professional environment.
Furthermore, our centre assumes developmental services firstly for those who take part in the reform progress (this actual service can be e. g. the technical preparation of researchers preparing for habilitation, organisation of courses for higher educational middle management in the region etc.)
As the result of the successful cooperation with our international partners, we take part in many international tenders for research, development and innovation.
I wish you a pleasant and useful browsing!
Prof. Dr. Pusztai Gabriella
the leader of the research centre