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CHERD-Hungary Educational Research Internship Program |
OTDK: The National Conference of Student Research Societies
- Zsolt Csák reached 2nd place with his thesis titled „Types of fathers’ home-based and school-based activities to assist their children’s achievement
- Supervisor: Dr Hajnalka Fényes
- Hunor Papp reached 3rd place with his thesis titled „The mentor as a compass.”
- Supervisor: Emese Alter
- Barbara Biró reached 3rd place with her thesis titled „Steps without boundaries for an alternative pedagogical method.”
- Supervisor: Dr Tímea Ceglédi
- Annamária Horváth received “Special award” for her thesis titled „One step closer to the Pygmalion Effect. Perceptions of mentored pupils in Tanítsunk Magyarországért mentoring program.”
- Supervisor: Dr Tímea Ceglédi
- Dávid Mihály Kiss reached 1st place for her thesis titled “Further development of the history education database.”
- Supervisor: Dr Mária Csernoch (co-author: Imre Antal Molnár)
- Kitti Kozma reached 1st place for her thesis titled “A resilient career as a teacher.”
- Supervisor: Dr Tímea Ceglédi
Students in Új Nemzeti Kiválóság scholarship program
- Hunor Papp
- Barbara Bíró
- Kitti Kozma
- Ceglédi, T., Alter, E., Godó, K., & Papp, H. (2024). Can High Involvement of Roma Parents Combat the Impact of Poverty? Resilience and Parental Involvement in the Success of Roma Students at School from the Students’ Perspective. Horizons of Education, 23(66), 107–120. https://doi.org/10.35765/hw.2024.2366.11 MTMT azonosító: 35081348 REAL hivatkozási link: https://real.mtak.hu/205980
- Dan, B. A., Szűcs, T., Sávai-Átyin, R., Hrabéczy, A., Kovács, K. E., Ridzig, G., … Pusztai, G. (2024). Narrowing the inclusion gap – teachers and parents around SEN students. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 1–27. https://doi.org/10.1080/13603116.2024.2361102
- Kocsis, Z., Bodnár, D., Csák, Z., Sávai-Átyin, R., & Pusztai, G. (2024). Expanding knowledge about parental involvement through board game. Pratica eLearning, 7(2), 70–80. https://doi.org/10.34630/pel.v7i2.5826
- Pusztai, G., Demeter-Karászi, Z., Major, E., & Puskás, M. (2024). Beyond the barriers of deficit orientedness? Comparing distinct teacher approaches of parental involvement. British Journal of Religious Education, 46(4), 370–388. https://doi.org/10.1080/01416200.2024.2388133
- Ridzig, G., Hrabéczy, A., & Hegedűs, G. (2024). Teaching English for Students with Special Educational Needs During the Pandemic. Central European Journal of Educational Research, 6(1), 20–31. https://doi.org/10.37441/cejer/2024/6/1/13357
- Csák, Z. (2023). Types of Fathers’ Home-based and School-based Involvement in a Hungarian Interview Study. Central European Journal of Educational Research, 5(1), 95–103. https://doi.org/10.37441/cejer/2023/5/1/12047
- Godó, K., Ceglédi, T., Godó, I., Alter, E., Papp, H., Horváth, A., & Tóth, E. (2023). Mentoring during the pandemic: the lesson learned of 2 years. PedActa, 13(1), 17–30, https://doi.org/10.24193/PedActa.13.1.3
- Pető, V. (2024). Making sense of learning: A research-based approach. Hungarian Educational Research Journal, 14(2), 251–254. https://doi.org/10.1556/063.2023.00232
- Tóth, R., & Bodnár, D. (2023). The Dimensions of Parent-School Partnership. Central European Journal of Educational Research, 5(2), 98–101. https://doi.org/10.37441/cejer/2023/5/2/13186
- Bodnár, D., & Csók, C. (2024). The Role of Educational Support Staff in Family-School Partnership: A Teacher's Perspective. In: A jövő pedagógiája. A XV. Országos Taní-tani Konferencia előadásainak szerkesztett változata (absztrakt kötet). Szerk.: Komjáthy Zsuzsanna; Erdei Róbert, Miskolci Egyetemi Kiadó, Miskolc, 156, 2024. ISBN: 9786156835017
- Bodnár, D. (2024). (Research) Groups for Students in Teacher Education. Professional Socialization and Acquired Values. 1st Budapest International Conference on Education. Budapest, Magyarország (online).
- Bodnár, D., & Csók, C. (2024). (Research) Groups for students in Teacher Education. Professional Socialization and Acquired Values. In XXIV. Országos Neveléstudományi Konferencia. Absztraktkötet (pp. 253–254).
- Bodnár, D. (2024). Professional Communities in Teacher Education in Hungary. Building Engaged Communities: Institutional Solutions for Student Participation Across Europe. UNICOMM Online Symposium, 2024. (online)
- Fekete, E. K., & Ceglédi, T. (2024). Teacher Perspectives on Their Roles in Parental Involvement – Resilient Support of Parents. Budapest International Conference on Education. 1st Budapest International Conference on Education. Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Technical Pedagogy. Budapest, 2024.11.28–30.
- Pető, V., & Chrappán, M. (2024). Students in the Center of Chemistry Classes – Inquiry-based Learning. Students on Their Way to Science Conference. 19.04.2024.
- Sávai-Átyin, R., Kocsis, Z., Bodnár, D., Csák, Z., & Pusztai, G. (2024). Expanding Knowledge about Parental Involvement through Board Game. P.PIC'24 –Porto Pedagogical Innovation Conference, Porto, Portugália
- Bodnár, D., Kocsis-Simon, B., Tóth, R., & Csók, C. (2023). The role of school support staff. A bridge between parents and school? In Education in the Family-Family in Education III. Book of Abstracts (p. 12).
- Bodnár, D., Kocsis-Simon, B., Tóth, R., & Csók, C. (2023). Segítő szakemberek a köznevelési intézményekben – Híd a szülők és az iskola között? In Berghauer-Olasz, E., Csopák, É., Greba, I., & Lizák, K. (szerk.), Challenges and Effects of Crisis Situations on Education / Krízishelyzetek hatása és kihívásai az oktatásban / «Виклики сучасної освіти зумовлені екстремальними умовами функціонування»: International Academic Conference Berehove, 30–31 March 2023 / Nemzetközi tudományos konferencia Beregszász, 2023. március 30–31./ Міжнародна науково-практична конференція Берегове, 30–31 березня 2023 року. Beregszász, II. Rákóczi Ferenc Kárpátaljai Magyar Főiskola. 162.
- Fekete, E. K., Ceglédi, T., Balogh, J., & Mándoki, R. (2023). Teachers’ views of their respective roles in parental involvement – Supporting parents in a resilient way. The 6th International Conference on Future Education. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 06-07.07.2023. (online)
- Horváth, A., Ceglédi, T., Alter, E., Godó, K., Godó, I., Papp, H., & Tóth, E. (2023). Broken stereotypes? Parental involvement in Roma students’ school careers. The 6th International Conference on Future Education. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 06-07.07.2023. (online)
- Pető, V. (2023). Students in the Center of Focus: Characteristics of Inquiry-Based Learning. Students on the Way to Practice VI. Presov, Slovakia, 12.05.2023. (online)
- Pusztai, G., Bodnár, D., Ceglédi, T., Fekete, D., Pető, V., & Fekete, E. K. (2023). Introducing the CHERD-Hungary Educational Research Internship Program (University of Debrecen, Center for Higher Education Research & Development – Hungary). Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE) Annual Conference 2023. Teacher Education on the move. Budapest, 27-30.08.2023.
- Janecskó, L. L. (2022). Attitudes of teacher candidates towards the teaching of integrated science subjects in Hungary. International Scientific Events. Burgasz, 25.06.2022.
- Kozma, K., Ceglédi, T., & Dabney-Fekete, I. D. (2022). Possibilities and dangers of Roma teachers’ resilient life path. Pedagogical Innovations During a Pandemic. 5th International Conference on Future of Education 2022. Sri Lanka, 16-17.06.2022. (online)
- Oláh, Á., & Kovács, K. (2022). Examination of the impact of parental involvement in extracurricular sporting activities on students’ health and academic achievement. ESA Research Network 28 – Society and Sport: Midterm Conference. Sport and social responsibility: science and practice in times of crisis. Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Debrecen, Debrecen (Hungary). 21-22.10.2022.
- Puskás, M. (2022). Comparison of parental involvement in Non-governmental and Public Schools. 5th International Conference on Future Education 2022. Sri Lanka, 16-17.06.2022. (online)
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2024. 12. 18. 13:47